MAJOR changes have been agreed to the entrance area of an historic West Dorset house.

Forde Abbey has devised a scheme to convert its 1990s ticket office and gift shop into a new kitchen and café.

Trustees for the Abbey says the changes will greatly enhance the visitor experience and provide a better venue for weddings and other larger events and will also allow the existing small kitchen to be removed from the Grade 1 listed main building

Dorset Council’s conservation officer said that, unlike the main house which has elements from the 12th, 13th and 16th centuries, the ticket office and gift shop, near the car park and walled garden, has “limited significance”.

The works will include extending the gift shop area to the rear to create a kitchen, adding a covered area between an existing wall and shop, and creating new openings into a wall overlooking the garden area.

Said the conservation officer: “These works will have a very limited effect on the setting of the listed building or registered park and garden. And I am satisfied that the works to the wall, will not be harming any significant historic fabric. There will be some harm to the setting of registered park and Garden by default of more construction in the setting.

"However, I am satisfied that in this instance the harm will be slight, and less than substantial, and in this instance there is a very significant public benefit for visitors and for revenue towards the upkeep of the Listed Building and Grounds. The application also proposes to remove the modern kitchen situated in the under croft of the monk’s dormitory, this will most definitely be a betterment for the building and can be supported.”